Authentication Method
Authenticity verification is one of powerful aids of preventing counterfeit identification, mainly processed in three ways.
Authentication Method
MRT: Checks machine-readable zone if they are written in promised format.
Data Matching: Compares the data from machine-readable zone and human-readable zone and check if they match.
Database Check: Compares the ID info with issuing authority's database.
Authentication will run when all the required parameters are received. Missing one parameter won't trigger the process. When submitted via liveform, it will automatically differ depending on the project option but with API submission, please check the required parameters. For the required parameters by ID types, refer to the 'Authentication Input Data' page.
※Passports are authenticated with OCR AI scan result, without separate parameter.
Scope of Support
Driver's License
MRT, Data Matching
Government ID, Drivers License, Alien Card
Database Check
MRT, Database Check
South Korea
Authentication Data Source
Government ID
Ministry of the Interior and Safety
Drivers License
Korean Notional Police Agency
Ministry of Foreign Affaris
Alien Card
Hi Korea
Collecting Full-RRN Number Option
For authentication of government ID and alien card, last 7 digits of RRN(Resident Registration Numbers) are required. Check yourself if your business has permission to collect RRN, then set project option. To set the option, please contact Helpdesk.
※Authentication for passport and drivers license will be processed regardless of RRN collection.
Korean Government ID Caution
When verifying Korean government ID(Jumin-deunglogjeung), if you enter the wrong info 5 times, the account will be blocked and further verification is not possible till the user unlock it.
When the account is locked, the identity owner itself(user) should visit below site and have to unlock.
Last updated