1st Step: ID Verifying

At this step we check the submitted image and verify if the it contains an ID, whether the ID is valid and from which country it was issued from. After this the OCR AI will transform the image into digital text.

Valid ID

To get KYC approval, it needs a 'valid' ID. The condition of a valid ID is as follows:

  • Should contain face, name, date and year of birth: IDs with only birth year will be rejected.

  • Should be printed, hand written IDs will be rejected.

  • Should not be expired.

  • Should be issued by the government: employee ID and student ID will be rejected.

  • Should be recognizable: worned out IDs will be rejected.

  • Should be a physical ID: mobile ID will be rejected.

  • Should contain current face: ID card which is too old to compare similarity with users' current face will be rejected.

Issuing Country & Type of ID

For OCR AI to perform the best, the issuing country and ID type should be designated properly. 'Issuing country' literally means the country issued the ID, it's different from user's nationality. Check further info at 'ID Type & Rear side Collection' page.

Extracting Text Data

For OCR AI to extract personal info from the ID image, there are a few conditions. First is that the image should be clear enough, second is that it needs a little bit of padding in the image to recognize the rectangle ID.

Unless the both conditions are met, there might be no AI response with clear image. Even at this case users are able to proceed by typing in their personal info.

Refer to 'How to Take Appropriate Picture' guide for further details.

ID Rear Side Collection

Back side ID image might be requested if it has information on it. Whether to submit the second image or not shall be decided depending on the issuing country and ID type, refer to the 'ID Type & Rear side Collection' page.

※The rear side image may not be saved even it is submitted depending on the detailed type defined by the OCR AI.

Last updated