Post/Submission/validationAccount (PreStep2)


  • PreStep2 is callable only when using the 'Account Occupancy - South Korea' option.

  • This process consists of two steps. In PreStep2, 1 won deposit is made and 3 digit code is sent, while the code validation is involved in Step2 (additional parameters to be confirmed in Step2).

  • PreStep2 should be called after completing Step1 and must be executed before Step2.

  • In PreStep2, 1 won with the authentication code will be transferred to the entered bank code and account.

  • The first three digits are the authentication code, which should be submitted as the Input Data when processing Step2.

  • The account number and bank code should be entered as numeric values only, without any symbols, and should be provided as string types.

Request URL

  • This page explains how to submit PreStep2.

  • You must enter the URL and x-api-key.

curl -X POST "<>" \\
-H "x-api-key: {yourAPIKey}" \\

Input Data

Sample Request

  • 'submissionId', 'requestType', 'userName', 'bankCode', 'accountNumber' are required.

  • The input data should be entered in a designated format.

curl --location --request POST '<>' \\
--header 'x-api-key: {yourAPIKey}' \\
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \\
--data-raw '{
    "submissionId": "{submission_Id}",
    "requestType": "occupancy",
    "userName": "{account_holder_name}",
    "bankCode": "{bank_code}",
    "accountNumber": "{1111222333444}"

Output Data

Sample Response

  • Result when sending verification code success.

	statusCode: 200,
	message : "success",
	success : true
  • Result when sending verification code fail.

	statusCode: 200,
	message : "This bank code is invalid. Please check bank code.",
	retryCode: "invalid_bank_code",
	success : false,
	retryCount : 2
  • Result when KYC rejected due to sending verification code fail more than 5 times.

	statusCode: 200,
	rejectComment: "too_many_retry",
	success : false,
	retryCount : 5

Bank Code

PreStep2 Retry

Please refer to the below instruction for PreStpe2 retry.

Request URL

  • This section explains how to submit PreStep2 retry.

  • URL and x-api-key are required.

Sample Request

curl --location --request POST '<>' \\
--header 'x-api-key: {yourAPIKey}' \\
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \\
--data-raw '{
    "submissionId": "{submission_Id}",
    "requestType": "occupancy",
    "userName": "{account_holder_name}",
    "bankCode": "{bank_code}",
    "accountNumber": "{1111222333444}"

Sample Response

  • Check the retry code and message when PreStep2 submission fails.

  • You can retry by using the same 'submissionId'.

  • 'kycStatus' will automatically turn into 'rejected' if the retry code hits 5 and you can check the 'rejectComment'.

	statusCode: 200,
	message : "This bank code is invalid. Please check bank code.",
	retryCode: "invalid_bank_code",
	success : false,
	retryCount : 2
	statusCode: 200,
	rejectComment: "too_many_retry",
	success : false,
	retryCount : 5

Retry & Error Codes.

Success Codes (200)

Retry Codes (200)

Rejected Codes (200)

Error Codes (400)

Last updated