Retry/Error/Reject Codes
Step 1 - Retry Codes (200 ok)
Retry codes other than 'mrz_protocol_fail', 'barcode_protocol_fail' can be returned only when the option on dashboard - 'ID CARD:Validation' is on.
Failed to detect full MRZ
No MRZ detected
Failed to read PDF417 Barcode
No barcode detected
Front and back side image mismatch. Please retry with one ID
ID image: front and back mismatch
Front and back side image mismatch. Please retry with one ID
ID image: front and back issuing country mismatch
Your ID is expired already. Please retry with valid ID
ID image: already expired
Front and back side name mismatch. Please retry with one ID
ID image: front and back name mismatch
Front and back side birthdate mismatch. Please retry with one ID
ID image: front and back birth date mismatch
Expiry date not detected. Please take clear picture
Failed to detect expiry date or it's been artificially erased
Issue date not detected. Please take clear picture
Failed to detect issued date or it's been artificially erased
Birth date not detected. Please take clear picture
Failed to detect birth date or it's been artificially erased
Document number not detected. Please take clear picture
Failed to detect document number or it's been artificially erased
Identity number not detected. Please take clear picture
Failed to detect identity number or it's been artificially erased
Name not detected. Please take clear picture
Failed to detect name or it's been artificially erased
Please retake ID image without light smudging
Failed to detect ID due to light reflection(smudging)
Retry with physical ID. recaptured screen not allowed
Image on monitor or other device is detected
Retry with physical ID. recaptured screen not allowed
Image captured from monitor or other device is detected
Please retry with original ID
Image forgery detected
Please retry with original ID
The submitted ID image doesn't match with the one of database
Please retry with original ID
Trace of image editing detected
Please retry with original ID
Sample ID image available online has been detected
Please retry with original ID
Artificially generated ID detected
Please retry with original ID
Text forgery detected
Please retry with original ID
Text forgery detected
Please retry with original ID
MRZ forgery detected
Please retake ID image clearly
Failed to scan the ID due to blurry image
Please retry with original ID
Black and white ID(copied ID) detected
Please take ID image in the right direction
Failed to scan the ID due to abnormal angle
Expired ID document, please use unexpired ID card.
When submitted expired ID.
Liveness validation of Id image failed. Failed for: {#pipelines}
When using the attack prevention option, the ID Card Liveness Score is less than 50 points in one or more pipelines.
#pipeline : Screen replay, Paper printed, Replace portraits
Step 1 -Error Codes(400 Error)
Failed to parse the input data.
No image file
Invalid ID image. Please retry with another ID image.
Incorrect image path
Failed to find the project. Please check the project ID.
This KYC does not exist. It's been deleted or the project ID is wrong.
This project is not available.
This KYC project is not valid anymore, it has the status of 'Closed'.
Missing required parameters.
Invalid id type: Id type must be passport, government_id or drivers_license.
Invalid input type: {parameters}
Input value format incorrect
Invalid email address format.
Incorrect email address
ID image processing error. Please retry.
ID image processing error
Data processing error. Please retry.
Data processing error
ID image save error. Please retry.
ID image saving error
This submission is already processed.
{email} has an existing approved submission. Not available to submit due to ‘approved period’ option to prevent duplication.
Step 1 process for the submission ID has been already completed
Further submission banned due to 'Approved Period' option
{email} has an existing rejected submission. Not available to submit due to ‘rejected period’ option to prevent duplication.
Further submission banned due to 'Rejected Period' option
{email}’s KYC is currently reviewing. Please wait.
The email account has a submitted KYC which is in 'Pending' status waiting for the result, thus no further submission accepted.
Please take a picture of an ID card.
Submitted ID image is not an ID.
ID detection error. Please retry.
Error occurred while detecting an ID.
OCR not supported ID. Please retry with another ID.
Affected by 'AI Supported Option', returned when submitted an ID which the OCR engine does not support.
Invalid ID. Please resubmit with another ID.
This ID is not valid anymore in accordance with local regulation.
ID validation server error. Please, retry.
ID validation server error
This project is not using the Universal option.
When the Universal option is Off, but ‘universal’ is submitted as idType. - idType ‘universal’ can be submitted only when using the Universal option. Other than that, entering the correct idType is required.
ID Card issued from Korea cannot use universal id type.
If it is a Korean ID card and ‘universal’ is submitted as idType. - If issuingCountry is ‘KOR’, Universal mode cannot be used regardless of whether the Universal option is used.
Cannot input specific idType in using universal option
If you are using the Universal option and a specific ID type is submitted in idType
IdCard Back Image is required in using universal option
If you used the Universal option and submitted idType as ‘universal’, but did not submit a photo of the back of your ID card. - When using universal mode, you must submit a photo of the back of your ID card.
ID liveness error.
When using the attack prevention option, an error occurred while verifying ID Card Liveness.
Step 2 - Retry Codes (200 ok)
ID verification failed: {message}. Please check the ID data.
ID verification failed: Barcode information does not match. {message}. Please check the ID data.
ID verification failed: EGN information does not match. {message}. Please check the ID data
Korean ID authentication failed.
USA, CAN, MEX drivers license, input data and barcode data mismatch.
BGR ID data mismatch.
Detect face failed: No face detected. At least one face must be detected in both selfie and ID image. Please retry.
No face detected on submitted selfie image.
The face doesn’t match. Please retry with another face image.
Face similarity score under 85.
Failed to find a matching face. Please retry with another face image.
Failed to find a similar face to process face compare.
Failed to detect a face.
Server error
Liveness fail. Please retry with another face image.
Liveness score less than 50.
Liveness fail: Face size is too small to be detected. Please retry
Liveness fail: Face is too close to one or more borders. Please retry.
Liveness fail: Interpupillary distance is too small. Please retry.
Liveness fail: Absolute face size is too small. Please retry.
Liveness fail: Face is cropped. Please retry.
Liveness fail: Facial out-of-plane rotation angle is extremely large. Please retry
Liveness fail: Relative face size is too small. Please retry.
Failed to meet liveness detection condition.
The authentication code and account holder doesn't match.
Both verification code and holoder name don't match.
1 won authentication fail. The authentication code doesn't match.
The verification code for 'Account Occupancy' doesn't match.
1 won authentication fail. The account holder doesn't match.
The account holder name for 'Account Occupancy' doesn't match.
Step 2 - Error Codes (400 errors)
Failed to parse the input data.
No image file
Failed to find the project. Please check the project ID.
This KYC does not exist. It's been deleted or the project ID is wrong.
Invalid face image. Please retry with another face image.
Incorrect path of selfie image
Missing required parameters.
Invalid address image. Please retry with another address image.
Incorrect path of proof of address image
Invalid submission ID error. Please check the submission ID.
Incorrect submission ID
Fail to find the submission data. Please contact CS center.
Failed to load submission data.
This submission is already processed.
{email} has an existing approved submission. Not available to submit due to ‘approved period’ option to prevent duplication.
Step 2 process for the submission ID has been already completed.
Further submission banned due to 'Approved Period' option
{email} has an existing approved submission. Not available to submit due to ‘approved period’ option to prevent duplication.
Further submission banned due to 'Rejected Period' option
Invalid API key. Please check.
Incorrect API key
Missing address data information.
No address data(When address collection option on )
Failed to submit KYC.
When failed at DB saving, sending webhook or email
The ID card you submitted is currently unable to proceed due to Korean ID authentication server errorn error in the authenticity verification server. Please proceed with a different ID card or try again later.
Korean ID authentication server error
Failed to read bank authentication's data.
PreStep2 was not properly completed.
The account holder's name and the 1 won authentication code are required fields.R
Required parameter for PreStep2 is missing(userOccupancyName, userOccupancyCode)
1 won authentication fail. The account holder's name doesn't match
‘userOccupancyName’ from PreStep2 and name from Step2 parameter don't match.
The submission is invalid because it has been more than 72 hours since step1.
Submission ID is expired. A submission ID is valid for 72 hours from the createTime.
The idType is required. This submission id failed to define idType in step1.
When using Universal mode and failing to define idType in Step 1, the idType parameter is missing in Step 2.
Fail to search face to validate duplicated user
This error occurs when the Face Duplicate Verification option is enabled and the search for a matching face in the database fails.
Fail to add face image to collection.
This error occurs when the sFace Duplicate Verification option is enabled and the process of adding a face to the index fails.
Reject Comment Code
Multiple invalid KYC attempts
Retry count went up to 3 but KYC not approved
KYC rejected due to timeout
'Incomplete' KYC with retry count higher than 1 or more, will turn into 'Rejected' after certain period of time.
Identity has been determined to be the same duplicate as the previously approved one.
When the option is on, KYC from duplicate user is rejected.
According to the policy, we do not accept KYC from {country}.
As the 'Blacklist Country' option applied, KYC submitted with blacklist-country-issued is rejected
We do not accept KYC anyone under {age} years old.
As the 'Age Limit' option applied, KYC submitted from user below the specified age is rejected
Inacceptable ID type. Please resubmit with another ID, check the valid ID on the submission page.
As the 'ID Type' option applied, KYC submitted with undesignated ID is rejected.
ID document not detected. Please take a picture of your ID document.
Submitted ID image is not an image of ID.
Invalid ID document. Please resubmit with another ID document.
Submitted ID is not valid. ex)ID with only birth year.
Fail to upload the ID image. Please resubmit the KYC process.
Unable to verify ID image due to upload error.
Fail to read the ID image. Please take a clear picture of your ID document.
Unable to verify ID image due to poor image quality
The entered information does not match with your ID document.
The ID is written in languages we can't correct(such as Chinese Character, Cyrillic alphabet etc...) and the user input data is not matching with the ID.
According to the policy, we do not accept KYC from {country}.
The issuing country has been modified while manual review, the modified country is on the blacklist.
We do not accept KYC anyone under {age} years old.
The date of birth has been modified while manual review, age of the user is under 'Age Limit'.
Invalid proof of address. Proof of address must include your full name and address.
The proof of address is not valid since it doesn't contain users name and address.
Fail to upload proof of address image. Please retry.
Unable to verify proof of address image due to upload error.
Fail to read the image. Please take a clear picture of your proof of address.
Unable to verify proof of address image due to poor image quality
Expired proof of address. The proof of address should be issued within 6 months.
The proof of address document is expired.
Entered information does not match with your proof of address.
The proof of address is written in languages we can't correct(such as Chinese Character, Cyrillic alphabet etc...) and the user input data is not matching with the document.
Guide comment from agent.
Duplicate face image, the user has already approved
This error occurs when the Face Duplicate Verification option is enabled, and the submitted face matches two or more faces in the approved list, resulting in a rejection due to duplication.
Last updated
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