API Errors

Respond with a generic HTTP response code. At success, it is represented by 2xx code. 4xx occurs when there is an error in the information transmitted to the Client. 5xx occurs when there is an error on the Argos server.



Invalid Request

invalid request message



API KEY is not provided or something is wrong with the API KEY.


Internal Server Error

It might be an error related to Argos system. Please contact Argos Help Desk.


Bad Gateway

The server received an invalid response from the upstream server.



failed to parse the input data: It happens when making API calls, mostly when the image data is incorrect.

invalid id image: It happens when invalid ID image is posted(the path or name of the file is changed).

missing required parameters: It happens when projectId, issuingCountry, email, idType value is not posted.

invalid id type : id type must be passport, government_id or drivers_license: It happens when 'idType' parameter is missing.

invalid email address format: It happens when incorrect email format is entered.

id image processing error: ID image processing error has occurred.

data processing error: Data storage error has occurred.

id image processing error: ID image storage error has occurred.

{email} had submitted another KYC and is already approved; therefore, this submission is not accepted to avoid duplicate submissions.: The email address is already KYC-approved. Resubmit with different email or change the anti-duplicate period option.

failed to find the project: No matching project data. Please contact HELPDESK.


failed to parse the input data: It happens when making API calls, mostly when the image data is incorrect.

invalid api key: Step2 API key is different from the Step1 API key.

invalid face image: It happens when selfie image is missing or invalid.

invalid or missing an address image: It happens when the proof of address image is missing or invalid.

missing address data parameters: It happens when the address data is missing.

invalid submission id: The submission id(created in step1) does not exist. Please check the submission id.

this submission is already processed: Submission already processed.

missing required parameters for identity verification: It happens when name, date_of_birth values are not missing. In case of South Korean ID, fullName, issueDate, identityNumber for resident registration card, fullName, birthDate, licenseNumber, and serialNumber for driver's license are not entered

identity verification failed: (South Korean IDs only)Failed at authentication. Please check the information again.

face detection error: Face detection error has occurred. Please submit a different image.

no face detected: the face image should a face: No faces were detected in the selfie. Please submit a different image.

face image should have only one face: Multiple faces detected in the selfie. Please submit a photo containing only one face.

face compare error: The face on the ID card and the face on the selfie are different.

liveness check failed: Liveness check failed.

multiple faces detected: the face image should have only one face: There is more than one face in the selfie that matches the face on the ID.

error processing the submission: An error occurred in the final operation such as saving DB, sending webhook, or sending email.

could not find the submission: No matching submission information. Please contact HELPDESK.

failed to find the project: No matching project data. Please contact HELPDESK.

Last updated

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