Post/Submission/validationAccount (PreStep2)
PreStep2 is callable only when using the 'Account Occupancy - South Korea' option.
This process consists of two steps. In PreStep2, 1 won deposit is made and 3 digit code is sent, while the code validation is involved in Step2 (additional parameters to be confirmed in Step2).
PreStep2 should be called after completing Step1 and must be executed before Step2.
In PreStep2, 1 won with the authentication code will be transferred to the entered bank code and account.
The first three digits are the authentication code, which should be submitted as the Input Data when processing Step2.
The account number and bank code should be entered as numeric values only, without any symbols, and should be provided as string types.
Request URL
This page explains how to submit PreStep2.
You must enter the URL and x-api-key.
Input Data
Parameter | Type | Required | Description |
submissionId | string | *required | Unique submission data verifier returned from Step1. |
requestType | string | *required | <occupancy(account verification ), nameCheck(account holder verification)> Select the type of verification. (Only 'occupancy' is available for now) |
userName | string | *required | Name of the account holder |
bankCode | string | *required | 3 digit bank code (*Refer to the Bank Code) |
accountNumber | string | *required | Account number (Exclude '-' or spaces) |
Sample Request
'submissionId', 'requestType', 'userName', 'bankCode', 'accountNumber' are required.
The input data should be entered in a designated format.
Output Data
Response | Description |
success | <true, false> Returns the result of authentication as a boolean. |
message | “success” at authentication success, retry or error message at authentication fail. |
retryCode | Retry code. |
retryCount | Tried numbers of PreStep2, KYC will be rejected when the retryCount ≥ 5. |
rejectComment | Rejected reason. |
Sample Response
Result when sending verification code success.
Result when sending verification code fail.
Result when KYC rejected due to sending verification code fail more than 5 times.
Bank Code
Bank Code | Bank Name | Bank Code | Bank Name |
002 | 산업은행 (KDB Bank) | 067 | 중국건설은행 (China Construction Bank) |
003 | 기업은행 (IBK Bank) | 071 | 우체국 (Epost Bank) |
004 | 국민은행 (KB Kookmin Bank) | 081 | 하나은행 (Hana Bank) |
007 | 수협은행 (SH Bank) | 088 | 신한은행 (Shinhan Bank) |
011 | 농협은행 (NH Bank) | 089 | K뱅크 (K Bank) |
012 | 지역농축협 (NH Regional Bank) | 090 | 카카오뱅크 (Kakao Bank) |
020 | 우리은행 (Woori Bank) | 20 | 유안타증권 (Yuanta Securities) |
023 | SC은행 (SC Bank) | 218 | KB증권 (KB Securities) |
027 | 한국씨티은행 (Citi Bank) | 238 | 미래에셋증권 (Mirae Asset Securities) |
031 | 대구은행 (DGB Daegu Bank) | 240 | 삼성증권 (Samsung Securities) |
032 | 부산은행 (Busan Bank) | 243 | 한국투자증권(KOREA INVESTMENT & SECURITIES) |
034 | 광주은행 (Kwangju Bank) | 247 | NH투자증권 (NH INVESTMENT & SECURITIES) |
035 | 제주은행 (Jeju Bank) | 261 | 교보증권 (Kyobo Securities) |
037 | 전북은행 (Jeonbuk Bank) | 262 | 하이투자증권 (Hi Investment & Securities) |
039 | 경남은행 (Kyongnam Bank) | 263 | 현대차증권 (Hyundai Motor Securities) |
045 | 새마을금고중앙회 (MG Community Credit Cooperatives) | 264 | 키움증권 (Kiwoom Securities) |
048 | 신용협동조합중앙회 (National Credit Union Federation of Korea) | 265 | 이베스트투자증권 (eBEST INVESTMENT & SECURITIES) |
050 | 상호저축은행 (KOREA FEDERATION OF SAVINGS BANKS) | 266 | SK증권 (SK Securities) |
054 | HSBC (HSBC Bank) | 267 | 대신증권 (Creon Trade) |
055 | 도이치뱅크 (Deutsche Bank) | 269 | 한화투자증권 (Hanwha Investment & Securities) |
057 | 제이피모건체이스은행 (JPMorgan Chase) | 270 | 하나금융투자 (Hana Securities) |
058 | 미즈호은행 (Mizuho Bank) | 278 | 신한금융투자 (Shinhan Securities) |
059 | 엠유에프지은행 (MUFG Bank) | 279 | DB 금융투자 (DB Financial Investment) |
060 | BOA은행 (BOA Bank) | 280 | 유진투자증권 (Eugene Investment) |
062 | 중국공상은행 (ICBC Bank) | 287 | 메리츠종합금융증권 (Meritz Securities) |
064 | 산림조합중앙회 (National Forestry Cooperative Federation) | 291 | 신영증권 (Shinyoung Securities) |
PreStep2 Retry
Please refer to the below instruction for PreStep2 retry.
Request URL
This section explains how to submit PreStep2 retry.
URL and x-api-key are required.
Sample Request
Sample Response
Check the retry code and message when PreStep2 submission fails.
You can retry by using the same 'submissionId'.
'kycStatus' will automatically turn into 'rejected' if the retry code hits 5 and you can check the 'rejectComment'.
Retry & Error Codes.
Success Codes (200)
Success | Message | Description |
true | success | 1 won transfer and sending verification code succeeded. |
Retry Codes (200)
success | message | retryCode | retryCount | Description |
false | This bank code is invalid. Please check bank code | invalid_bank_code | {count} | The bank code is invalid. Please check the bank code. |
false | Fail to verify the account. | failed_to_verify | {count} | Failed to verify the account. |
false | This account is not able to deposit. | unable_to_deposit | {count} | Unable to transfer to the account. |
false | Transfer is currently not possible. | unable_to_Transfer | {count} | Unable to transfer temporarily. |
false | The transfer is being processed. | transfer_is_processing | {count} | The transfer is being proessed at the moment. |
false | fail to send code. | fail_to_request | {count} | Other undifined errors. |
Rejected Codes (200)
success | rejectComment | retryCount | Description |
false | too_many_retry | 5 | KYC rejected due to attempt count exceeding. |
Error Codes (400)
success | message | errorCode | Description |
false | data parsing error. please check input data. | invalid_data_format | Input data format incorrect. Please check the data format. |
false | required field is missing. | missing_required_field | Required parametere is misisng. Please check the parameters. |
false | invaild request type. | invalid_request_type | Request type incorrect. Please check the request type. |
false | The account verification option is not in use. | not_using_option | 'Account Occupancy - South Korea' option not activated. Please check project setting at the dashbaord. |
false | This submission is not invalid. | invalid_submission | Invalid 'submissionId'. The ID is expired or submission has been already completed. |
false | fail to request:+ {error messga} | fail_to_request | Request to the bank server is failed. |
false | db processing error: + {error messga} | db_processing_error | Problem occurred while processing the data. |
false | This account has exceeded the limit of 10 transfers per day. | exceeded_transfer_limit | Maximum transfer limit of a day: 10 has been exceeded. |
Last updated