POST/Submission/Step 2
Request URL
At Step 2, data should be transmitted based on the Step 1 response.
Step 2 is where we compare face, compare OCR data and user-confirmed data and get address information or address image.
For Step 2 process, data should be submitted in 'form-data' format.
For Step 2, you can send the selfies 3 times maximum(1st try + 2 retries). If 1st try of Step 2 is processed, KYC submission should be done in 24 hours from Step 1 start time. (Because 'Step 2 processed but no KYC result yet' submission will be rejected after 24 hours.)
You can check the submitted data at Dashboard or get it by Get/Submission API.
When collect-address option is on, globalCode, compoundCode, formatted_address, address_input, addressdetail are required. Get these information through Post/Address_code API.
Any of globalCode, compoundCode, formatted_address must be submitted.
'address_input' is the user-typed address, 'address_detail' is detailed address. Both are optional.
Submission ID created at Step 1 process must be included.
SubmissionId, faceimage, name, date_of_birth are required parameters.
Refer to Retry & Error Codes page for retry codes and error codes.
The recommended standard for 'faceImage' is 960 x 720 pixels.
Input Data
* means required parameters.
Parameter | Type | Description |
*submissionId | string | The unique submission ID received from step 1. |
*faceImage | file | A selfie image that has only one face. If multiple faces are detected, it will respond with retry. (Recommended size: 1mb, limit: 2mb) |
*name | string | The name should be in 'Fullname' format. (First_Name & Last_Name) |
*date_of_birth | string | YYYY-MM-DD |
gender | string | <male, female> |
nationality | string | ISO alpha 3 format of nationality. The nationality is not necessarily same as the ID issued country. |
identity_number | string | This is unique identity number for Korean photo IDs. |
license_number | string | (KOREAN DRIVER LICENSE ONLY) 12 code license number for ID verification ex) 12 Digit (12-34-567890-12 ) or 2 Korean characters & 10 Digit (서울-12-345678-90) |
document_number | string | Document number of ID(Passport number, License number etc...) |
serial_number | string | (Korean Driver's License Only)6 letter unique serial number in Korean driver's license. |
date_of_issue | string | YYYY-MM-DD format of ID issue date. |
date_of_expiry | string | YYYY-MM-DD format of ID expiry date. |
addressImage | file | Address document image to verify the address information. (Recommended size: 1mb, limit: 2mb) |
address_street | string | street |
address_city | string | city |
address_state | string | state |
address_country | string | country code in ISO 3 format |
address_zipcode | string | zip-code (postal code) |
globalCode | string | Detailed code from the address (ex. 87C4VXX7+39) |
compoundCode | string | Detailed code, city and country from the address (ex. VXX7+39 Washington, DC, USA) |
formatted_address | string | Transformed address from detailed code |
address_input | string | User input address(When user input address data is needed) |
address_detail | string | User input detailed address(When user input detail address data is needed) |
userOccupancyCode | string | 3-digit verification code received with 1 won when using 'Account Occupancy' option. (ex. 123test) |
userOccupancyName | string | Account holder's name acquired from 'Account Occupancy' process. |
idType | string | (When using the Universal mode option) If idType is returned as ‘any’ due to OCR recognition failure in Step 1, idType is required to be submitted when proceeding with Step 2. Valid values: passport, government_id, drivers_license, residence_permit, vehicle_registration certificate, visa, aadhaar, pancard |
Authentication Input Data
Required parameters for authentication differs to issuing country of the ID and type of ID.
Issuing Country | ID Type | Required Parameters |
KOR | government_id | name, date_of_birth, identity_number |
KOR | drivers_license | date_of_birth, license_number, serial_number |
KOR | passport | name, date_of_birth, document_number, date_of_issue, date_of_expiry |
KOR | residence permit | identitiy_number, date_of_issue |
USA, CAN, MEX | drivers_license | name, date_of_birth, gender, date_of_expiry, date_of_issue, dcoument_number |
Sample Request 1
Sample Request 2
Output Data
Response | Description |
kycStatus | <pending, approved, rejected, incomplete> If kycStatus is 'pending', the kyc submission is completed, but it will be manually reviewed to finalize whether the submission is approved or rejected. *If kycStatus is 'incomplete', the KYC is not accepted due to invalid KYC data and step 2 retry is recommended until kycStatus returns 'pending', 'approved' or 'rejected'. |
faceSimilarityScore | The face similarity score between the face in the ID and the selfie image. The closer the score is to 100, it is more likely that the two faces are matched(0~100). |
livenessScore | The liveness score evaluates whether the face in the selfie image is a live person or not. The closer the score is to 100, it is more likely that the image is a picture of a live person(1~100). |
verificationResult | <success, fail> |
retryCount | Retry count of Step 2. If Step 2 fails at retry count 2, the KYC is rejected. |
retry | If the kycStatus is "incomplete", message is shown to explain why the KYC application is not accepted. |
recognized_IdType | When using universal mode, idType defined when OCR recognition is successful in Step 1 |
Sample Response - Approved
Sample Response - Rejected
Sample Response - Pending
Sample Response - Incomplete
Retry & Error Codes
Refer to Retry & Error Codes page for retry codes and error codes.
To compare the faces fluently the ratio of a face should be appropriate in the image. When it's too large or small, face comparison might fail. Below image is the guideline for ARGOS ID check Liveform and examples of selfie images.
Last updated