API Guide
You can submit your customer's KYC form data using the Argos API and check the progress of KYC.
The Argos API uses RESTful Endpoints and the default HTTP Method.
The response data contains the status of the request and possible error codes.
All response data is provided as JSON format.
Use token authentication.
All requests must be made in HTTPS. HTTP requests will fail.
1. Getting Started
To get started using API you need a valid API key. To obtain an API key, please contact Argos HELPDESK.
2. Authentication
The API uses Token-based authentication.
The API must be provided by Argos in order to use the API.
Authenticate with HTTP Headers
You can send your API key with your query as a HTTP header
The API Key should be included in the method request header as 'x-api-key: {yourAPIKey}'
Respond with a generic HTTP response code. At success, it is represented by 2xx code. 4xx occurs when there is an error in the information transmitted on the Client. 5xx occurs when there is an error on the Argos server.
Error Codes
HTTP Code | Message | Description |
400 | Invalid Query String parameters | Client error (e.g. malformed request syntax, invalid request message framing) |
403 | Forbidden | API KEY is not provided or something is wrong with the API KEY. |
413 | Request Entity Too Large | The request is larger than the server is willing or able to process. |
500 | Internal Server Error | It might be Argos server error. Please contact Argos team. |
502 | Bad Gateway | The server received an invalid response from the upstream server. |
3. GET /submission
Get a list of submissions.
The KYC / AML status can be checked by the GET request.
You can either check for the KYC status of a specific submission or get a list of KYC submissions with GET request.
If no parameter is provided, a list of all submissions is returned.
If a parameter is provided, filter the list by the given parameter.
To get a submission data of a specific submission, submission ID must be provided as a parameter.
Request URL
Input Data
Parameter | Requirement | Description |
submission_id | optional | Submission ID. A single submission data matching the submission ID is returned. |
userid | optional | A list of submissions matching the userid is returned. The userid is an optional parameter that is inserted into submission data when posting a submission. |
optional | A list of submissions matching the email address is returned. | |
count | optional | The number of data to be transmitted when requesting a list output (maximum of 2,000). When requesting a list without a count parameter, up to 2,000 will be output by default. |
nextpage_id | optional | If 'nextpageKey' is returned to the response when requesting list output, it means that there is a next page. To call the next page, 'nextpage_id(nextpageKey.id)' and 'nextpage_date(nextpageKey.created_at) should be included to the request parameter. |
nextpage_date | optional | If 'nextpageKey' is returned to the response when requesting list output, it means that there is a next page. To call the next page, 'nextpage_id(nextpageKey.id)' and 'nextpage_date(nextpageKey.created_at) should be included to the request parameter. |
Output Data
Response | Description |
data | KYC applicant data |
data.name | name |
data.gender | <male, female> |
data.nationality | Three letter format (ISO alpha3 format) of nationality. |
data.date_of_birth | YYYY-MM-DD format of date of birth |
data.idType | ID card type <passport, government_id, drivers_license> |
data.idcard_issuingCountry | ISO alpha 3 format country code where ID card is issued. |
data.idcard_issueDate | YYYY-MM-DD format of ID card issue date |
data.idcard_expireDate | YYYY-MM-DD format of ID card expiry date |
data.identityNumber | Personal Identity Number |
data.documentNumber | Documnet number |
data.address_city | City |
data.address_country | Country |
data.address_state | State |
data.address_street | Street |
data.address_zipcode | Zip code (postal code) |
data.address_globalCode | Detailed code from the address (ex. 87C4VXX7+39) |
data.address_compoundCode | Detailed code, city and country from the address (ex. VXX7+39 Washington, DC, USA) |
data.address_formatted | Transformed address from detailed code |
data.address_input | User input address |
data.address_detail | User input detailed address |
data.cf1 | Optional parameter that is inserted into submission data when posting a submission. |
data.cf2 | Optional parameter that is inserted into submission data when posting a submission. |
data.cf3 | Optional parameter that is inserted into submission data when posting a submission. |
email address | |
submission_id | Identifier given to each submission |
applicant_id | Identifier given to each applicant |
created_at | KYC submitted date and time. |
userid | Optional parameter that is inserted into submission data when posting a submission. |
kyc | kyc data object |
kyc.result | <incomplete, pending, approved, rejected> incomplete: KYC submission is incomplete. It happens when ID card is submitted but selfie is not. pending: the submission is under manual review approved: submission is approved rejected: submission is rejected. Reject comment can be found at kyc.comment |
kyc.comment | KYC reject comment is returned only when KYC result is 'rejected' |
kyc.commentCode | Code for KYC reject comment |
kyc.attempts | Object of Liveness, Detect face, Face compare |
kyc.attempts[i].error | Liveness, Detect face, Face compare error message |
kyc.attempts[i].retryMsg | Cause of rejection on Liveness, Detect face, Face compare |
kyc.attempts[i].livenessScore | Liveness score on attempt [i] |
kyc.attempts[i].faceSimilarityScore | Face similarity score on attempt [i] |
aml | aml screening result data object |
aml.risk_level_summary | <Not Screened, High, Medium, Low> |
aml.currentstatus | <Not Screened, Red Flag> |
aml.matches | Detailed AML screening result. Only available when aml.currentstatus is 'Red Flag'. |
aml.matches[i].resource_id | Returned only when AML screening has matches. Resource ID is used to request and download the AML report for the specific match. |
nextpageKey | Key-value object delivered when there is a next page. |
nextpageKey.id | The last inquired submission ID which is needed to call the next page. |
nextpageKey.created_at | 'created_at' value of the last inquired submission ID which is needed to call the next page. |
Sample Response1. Get one
Sample Response 2. Get List
3-1. GET /submission/applicant
Get a list of approved submissions submitted by the same person.
If there are multiple submissions from people with the same name, date of birth, nationality, gender, and face, it is judged as a duplicate submission, and you can check the duplicate submissions.
For a typical applicant that doesn't have duplicate submissions, only a single approved submission is pulled..
Since the search is based on applicant_id, applicant_id must be obtained from submission information..
Request URL
Input data
Parameter | requirement | Description |
applicant_id | required | Unique identifier for each person |
Output data
Response | Description |
submission_id | Unique value of submission confirmed as duplicate submission |
Email address recorded in submission identified as a duplicate submission |
4. POST /submission/step1
Request URL
Input data
Parameter | Format | Requirement | Description |
issuingCountry | string (ISO3) | *required | ISO alpha 3 format of the country the ID card is issued. |
string | *required | email address of the KYC applicant | |
idType | string | *required | <passport, government_id, drivers_license> |
idImage | file | *required | jpg, jpeg, png file format of the ID image (size limit: 3mb) |
userid | string | optional | custom optional unique identifier of the user |
cf1 | string | optional | custom optional field |
cf2 | string | optional | custom optional field |
cf3 | string | optional | custom optional field |
Output Data
Response | Description |
submissionId | The unique submission ID of this submission. This ID is required for step 2. |
reviewOCRData | OCR object that contains ID card information. If OCR fails, this parameter is not returned. |
reviewOCRData.ocr_birthDate | birth date in YYYY-MM-DD format |
reviewOCRData.ocr_issueDate | issue date if available |
reviewOCRData.ocr_expireDate | expire date if available |
reviewOCRData.ocr_lastName | last name if available |
reviewOCRData.ocr_firstName | first name if available |
reviewOCRData.ocr_name | name if available |
reviewOCRData.ocr_gender | gender if available |
reviewOCRData.ocr_nationality | ISO3 code format of nationality if available |
reviewOCRData.ocr_identityNumber | (KOREAN ID ONLY) Unique personal identity number |
reviewOCRData.ocr_licenseNumber | (KOREAN DRIVER LICENSE ONLY) driver license number |
file_upload | "true" if the ID card image is successfully received. "false" otherwise. |
Sample Response
5. POST /submission/step2
Request URL
Input data
Parameter | Format | Requirement | Description |
submissionId | string | *required | The unique submission ID received from step 1. |
faceImage | file | *required | A selfie image that has only one face. If multiple faces are detected, it will respond with retry. (size limit: 3mb) |
name | string | *required | The format of the name can either be: • “Lastnames, Firstnames Middlenames” (e.g., “Trump, Donald John”). This is the preferred format for when you know the explicit lastname of the individual. • “Firstname Middlenames Lastnames” (e.g., “Donald John Trump”). Use this format when you do not explicitly know the lastname of the profile. The algorithm will determine this automatically. |
date_of_birth | string | *required | YYYY-MM-DD |
gender | string | optional | <male, female> |
nationality | string | optional | ISO alpha 3 format of nationality. The nationality is not necessarily same as the ID issued country. |
identity_number | string | optional | (KOREAN ID ONLY) This is unique identity number for Korean photo IDs. |
license_number | string | optional | (KOREAN DRIVER LICENSE ONLY) license number for ID verification |
serial_number | string | optional | (KOREAN DRIVER LICENSE ONLY) 6 letter unique serial number in Korean driver's license |
date_of_issue | string | optional | YYYY-MM-DD format of photo ID issue date. |
addressImage | file | optional | Address document image to verify the address information. (size limit: 3mb) |
address_street | string | optional | street |
address_city | string | optional | city |
address_state | string | optional | state |
address_country | string | optional | country code in ISO 3 format |
address_zipcode | string | optional | zip-code (postal code) |
globalCode | string | optional | Detailed code from the address (ex. 87C4VXX7+39) |
compoundCode | string | optional | Detailed code, city and country from the address (ex. VXX7+39 Washington, DC, USA) |
formatted_address | string | optional | Transformed address from detailed code |
address_input | string | optional | User input address |
address_detail | string | optional | User input detailed address |
Output Data
Response | Description |
kycStatus | <pending, approved, rejected, incomplete> If kycStatus is 'pending', the kyc submission is completed, but it will be manually reviewed to finalize whether the submission is approved or rejected. If kycStatus is 'incomplete', the kyc is not accepted due to invalid KYC data and step 2 retry is recommended until kycStatus returns 'pending', 'approved' or 'rejected'. |
faceSimilarityScore | The face similarity score between the face in the photo ID and the selfie face image. The score is ranged from 0 to 100. The closer the socre is to 100, it is more likely that the two faces are matched. |
livenessScore | The liveness score evaluates whether the face in the selfie image is a live person or not. The score is ranged from 0 to 100. The closer the score is to 100, it is more likely that the image is a picture of a live person. |
verificationResult | <success, fail> |
retryCount | Retry count of step 2. If step 2 is attempted more than 3 times, the KYC is rejected. |
message | If the kycStatus is "incomplete", message is shown to explain why the KYC application is not accepted. |
Notice kycStatus is "incomplete" and retryCount is increased in case of following:
No face detected in the face image
More than two faces detected in the face image
Face compare score is below 85
Liveness fraud check score is below 50
(Korean Only) ID verification fails
Sample Response
5-1. POST /address_code
Only available to the projects with address 'collection' option.
Request URL
Sample Request 1
Sample Request 2
Sample Response
Input Data
Parameter | Format | Requirement | Description |
address | string | Required | You can search by entering one of the following:
language | string | optional | Language selection for retured value. (ISO 3166-2 Code) (ex. "en") |
Output Data
Response | Description |
formatted_address | Transformed address from detailed code |
compound_code | Detailed code, city and country from the address (ex. VXX7+39 Washington, DC, USA) |
global_code | Detailed code from the address (ex. 87C4VXX7+39) |
6. DELETE /submission
Delete a single submission data.
It will completely delete the submission data and the image files associated with the submission.
Caution!! Deleted submission cannot be restored.
Sample Request
Input Data
Parameter | Description |
submission_id | Submission ID. Unique ID for a specific submission |
Sample Response
7. GET /report/aml
Returns an application/pdf report of AML screening result.
AML report is provided for each 'resourceId'. 'resourceId' is required to download AML report.
Request URL
Input Data
Parameter | Description |
resourceId | 'resourceId' is a unique number of a person screened as a result of AML screening. 'resourceId' can be found if a submission is screened for AML Red-Flag. Each matching AML screening result has a unique 'resourceId'. One submission may have multiple matches; therefore, multiple 'resourceId'. |
Output Data
As a response, application/pdf file format of the report is downloaded.
8. GET /image
Request URL
Input Data
Parameter | Requirement | Description |
submission_id | required | unique submission Id. |
type | required | <idImage, selfieImage, addressImage> idImage: downloads the image of photo ID selfieImage: downloads the face image addressImage: downloads the address document if the submission has such file. |
Output Data
As a response, document file is downloaded.
Last updated