How to Test

Let's figure out how to try verifying via email with Postman to better understand it.

1. Get Ready

1-1. Get API Key

First, you need a API key. Visit AROGS ID dashboard, sign in, create a project, then you will be given a API key which is subordinated to the created project. For more detailed information on checking the API key, please see Dashboard -Porject Info page.

1-2. Get Postman

Access the link below for Postman, you can either download or just start on a web.

2. Test

1-3. Add a new request

If you have started the Postman successfully, click + button to add a new request. Change the type from 'GET' to 'POST', paste below URL into the URL box.

4 ~ 6. Enter API Key

Move to 'Headers' tab, tyep in 'x-api-key' to create a new key, paste the API key of a projcet you want to proceed testing for value.

7 ~ 11. Make API Calls

Next, move to 'Body' tab, check 'form-data' to change the type, add keys and values, press 'Send' button. Refer to the Verify Via Email - Input Data page for the available data, among them only 'email' is required parameter.

3. Check Result

When a POST request is completed, you can check the result.

At success, the massage 'The email has been sent successfully.' will return.

At fail, the massage may differ by error causes. If you get an error message related to access or authorization, please check if the API key is accurate.

Last updated